Rightist Tea Party v. leftist Occupy Wall Street. Why the former was smarter than the latter Reece Peck 7:03 5 months ago 17 Далее Скачать
Occupy Wall St vs. Tea Party: comparing US grass-roots movements AFP News Agency 1:48 13 years ago 4 356 Далее Скачать
Perspective: Occupy Wall Street And The Tea Party Are Exercising Their Rights As Americans Roland S. Martin 1:53 13 years ago 371 Далее Скачать
Tea Party Vs Occupy Wall Street - Fox News & Rush Limbaugh The Young Turks 5:35 13 years ago 54 783 Далее Скачать
Comparing movements on the US Left and Right Al Jazeera English 2:28 13 years ago 6 349 Далее Скачать
Occupy Wall Street More Popular Than Congress & Tea Party...What Next? The Majority Report w/ Sam Seder 2:35 13 years ago 3 201 Далее Скачать
Chris Hedges on the Tea Party and difference between Tea Party and Occupy Wall Street protesters munderlarkst 3:15 13 years ago 14 808 Далее Скачать
Occupy Wall Street v. the Tea Party -- Which Means More? -- Dwyer // Keepingitfree.Blogspot.Com Richard Dwyer 14:25 13 years ago 474 Далее Скачать
American Nazi Party and Occupy Wallstreet protesters have something in common. Tyrone Washington 7:02 13 years ago 13 605 Далее Скачать
Fox News: Occupy Wall St. vs Tea Party Protesters C0ct0pusPrime 14:53 13 years ago 24 195 Далее Скачать
Occupy Wall Street vs. Tea Party - Chris Hedges democracyseeker 3:15 13 years ago 1 922 Далее Скачать
The Difference Between the Occupy Wall Street Movement and the Tea Party ARHYTHMATIK 3:28 13 years ago 569 Далее Скачать
Occupy Wall St. vs Tea party with Henry James Ferry. Grounded News video report 5 Syd Woodward 4:31 13 years ago 10 737 Далее Скачать
Newt Gingrich explains the difference between Occupy Wall Street and the Tea Party Lux et Libertas 1:35 13 years ago 1 174 Далее Скачать